Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Hello classmates, it is the last post :( … the experiencie of the blogging in english were very funny and interesting, i love it so much. It were funny write about self interest in the english class. Share our pleasures in a blog page was very postive. I enjoyed to write about my musical  or web pages favourites pleasures. Too, were very interesting know about pleasures  of my classmates. That were like know the pleasures indirectly  hahahaha. The only that dont like me, but is a detail, were some topic for write, because it were very bored, for example, write about the best holiday because i didnt remember it . However, how i tolk, it were detail.
The  blogging experience help me to apply easily way and apparently entertaining in class, and also be constantly writing in English helps them easily develop grammar and vocabulary in this language.
I think the advantages already mentioned: Applies an entertaining lessons learned in English, and is fun to write to our colleagues in their post.
Disadvantages honestly not find any fault, everything is fun, not easy, but it is entertaining and new to write about things that are rarely questioned in everyday life.
Well, that is all, bye!

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