Friday, September 28, 2012

The Best Holiday

Hi! Today I’m going to speak about my best holiday. I don’t sure if I have a ‘’THE BEST HOLIDAY’’ but I will choose that the most reminded for me…
Well, I remember that I travelled to Serena and Coquimbo when I was 13 - 14 years old. I travelled with my family (mom, dad and sister) in our car for six hours to their new city.
I remember that I play football in the beach with children that were there, when the day to get dark I with my sister bought the best cupcakes in our life!!!  This were very cheap because only cost $100, $100!!!
And at the end of the night we saw some movie that was in the house.
I think that this holiday was very beautiful because I could share with my family and other children. I enjoyed it because laugh until you cry. Maybe I had enjoyed more this holyday if I had been older because I could to have leaved to many places, for example a bar or beach in the night; meet with tourists or just go out to walk…
Well, that is all
Good bye. 

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